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My Lifestyle

By June 2013 I have lost 8 kg. Unfortunately due to stress and studies I stopped doing my exercises. The kilos kept creeping back on. Good thing was with less weight I lost all my Gout issues regardless of what I did ate or drunk. As you correctly guess the Gout is back.

As my shoulder degenerated in movements over the last year I decided to act and do massive Chiropractic treatments for 4 months. It helped me enormous. I got about 60-80% movements back and can swim again. Luckily due to the chronic Arthritis in my shoulder the doctor gave me 2 Dieticians visits. This forced me to change some believes about healthy eating and specific fuller eating meaning that the food should make you feel full for longer.

Back in September 2014 I started exercising again and did my first walks and even the first run felt really good and without problems. Unfortunately I pulled my left hamstring in the 2nd running and about a month later I did tear my calve muscles while doing Surf Live Saving.

Finally everything is healed and I started walking again. As the doctor advised me not to lose more 10% of my weight in half a year means I can lose 1-2 kg a month which is achievable. I keep reporting here how I get along: On the 30/12/2014 I did weigh myself at 89,6kg. Swimming is the next thing on the agenda. show my progress: click here.

More you can see now on my new table page which gives you an insight of my weight changes, steps, walks and other training. Please click here.


Every monday morning before going on my walk I get onto my scale to weigh myself. It shows me the following detailed measurements:
  • Weight, fat percentage and Health Range Indicator
  • Total Body Water percentage
  • Visceral Fat percentage and Judgement
  • Muscle Mass & Physique Rating
  • Bone Mass
  • Daily Calorie Intake-BMR (kcal/kJ) and Metabolic Age
  • and afterwards I measure my waistline as well.
My weight I would like to reduce to around 64kg. Healthy body fat range for me is 11%-22% for my age category. I am looking to be around 15%. The Health Range Indicator has the following values:
  • (-): Underfat, below the healthy body fat range. Increased risk for health problems.
  • (0): Healthy, with the healthy boy fat percentage range for your age/gender.
  • (+): Overfat, above the healthy range. Increased risk for health problems.
  • (++): Obese, high above the healthy boy fat range. Greatly increased risk of obesity-realted health problems.
Body water should be around 50-65%. Visceral Fat Level Healthy Rating is 1-12. Anything above it shows I have excess Level of visceral fat. Physique Rating (muscle mass):
  1. Hidden obese
  2. Obese
  3. Solily-built
  4. Under exercised
  5. Standard
  6. Standart Muscular
  7. Thin
  8. Thin and muscular
  9. Very Muscular

Eating and what to eat

This is a subject on its own so please click here.

January Achievements:

Weightloss 1.7kg, Fat lowered by 2,9%, Muscle Mass improved by 1.4kg, Visceral Fat lowered from 18 to 15, Waist reduced by 2cm Reguarly doing my powerwalks, generally more walking and I tried twice swimming.

February Achievements:

Although I am loosing weight does not mean you loose fat. Confirmed it myself again that first you loose muscle mass. So back into weight training again.