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After doing the mandatory school years I did an apprentice ship as a junior clerk. Jumpstarting my IT Career as a junior programmer for a steel company doing an application for stock control, ordering system for steel forms, invoicing and printing forms for CNC Machines. During this time I had two clients on my own to help them organise their clientele, payment data and help distributing their magazines.

A big bank called me in as their programmer/analyst and did online support and moved after this into balance and foreign exchange. Quickly follow a short stint with another bank for an Investment Project as Analyst.

Changing directions from Banks to Health Insurance. With the help of a CASE tool we developed a new solution and I was Project Coordinator/Senior Analyst over 28 Teams. I did mentor them in the method, design and the CASE tool. Moved then back into the banking sector and integrated the old applications with interfaces to a new banking solution. The difficulty was there that it was bilinguality of the project. Out of this project I got hired into developing a new Customer Care Billing System for a big Telco.

From there I went to a big Software Devolvement House where we did mostly in-house project. First project was helping out in an Insurance Company for the Y2K issue. The next Project involved building a Report System about tracks conditions and incidents for the Swiss Federal Railways.

Then I got hired for a small boutique company developing software using the mobile technologies. Unfortunately their client field shrunk and I worked for another development company. During that time I did 2 projects: One for the Swiss Federal Justice Department to build an Asylum system and the second project was for Zuerich Insurance to simplify and streamline the User-Rights-System.

In 2001 I immigrated to Australia and travelled around. From 2002 to about 2007 I had multiple jobs to simply survive and did web design and consulting works for my company Schneider Design. Due to CFG issues I started working in Level 2 Support for a TELCO. This company got bought and we were all made redundant. During my unemployment I finishe 2 TAFE courses;

  • Diploma in Database Design and Development. 3 websites came out of this course:
    1. A website he had to build with Joomla and put 5 errors in to show we can manipulate the content.
    2. The 2nd website we developed in the ASP class (for a library - link follows later)
    3. The 3rd one was the major project to combine everything we learnt.
  • Advanced Diploma in Business Analysis
  • Linux Course.


Since January 2014 I work for a small Accounting Company and looking after their website and most of their IT issues.

  • A simple word press website for the Company,
  • Another word press website for the Kiwi Waka Festival .
  • A complex web Application where you can order and customise a legal document for your purpose.
    1. The application was built with VisualStudio Express 2013 for Web
    2. MS SQL Management Studio 2012 and 2014
    3. Using Active Server Pages (ASP) with C# and JavaScript
    4. Database is online with:
      • stored user profiles
      • stored customer data
      • stored word documents in a SQL Database
      • stored package deals (link to document so a document can easy be replaced)
    5. taking online bank payments using a bank interface
    6. building a live link to ASIC to incorporate a new Company
