16/02/2015 - 22/02/2015 09/02/2015 - 15/02/2015 02/02/2015 - 08/02/2015 26/01/2015 - 01/02/2015 19/01/2015 - 25/01/2015 12/01/2015 - 18/01/2015 05/01/2015 - 11/01/2015 29/12/2014 - 04/12/2015 22/12/2014 - 28/12/2014

My Blog

16/02/2015 - 22/02/2015 top

The insurance paid my claim in full for laptop. I saw my doctor as well to get my blood results back. They were all good to great. My liver improved massive to super status due stop drinking alcohol. Nice achievement. I did lower my fat ratio as well and the muscle mass improved since I started doing my 10,000 steps every day. Check out my new table under lifestyle.

However the issue came up with windows 8.1 that my touchpad did freeze. So I had a gutfull at Asus specific after the tech guy said re-install laptop. Advised him he must be joking. I argued and even screamed at him but the best he came up with to give a RA number to return the laptop to the shops. Well after this I contact Microsoft and argued with them it must the a windows issues as this was my 2nd laptop with the same issues. After escalating the call to the supervisor I got a free premium support call from Microsoft and within 30 minutes the actually fixed it and even showed me how I can fix it. Since then it hasn't happened again.

09/02/2015 - 15/02/2015 top

Sorry I know news are late but a few things happened :-) On monday I had a great day - I sprinkeled normal water over my laptop. The effect was more or less immediate. The keyboard was on strike. The mouse still did work. Turned laptop off and cleaned the water from it. Put laptop upside down so the water could get out. In hindsight I should have opened it right then. On Tuesday it still turned on but keyboard didnt work. On Wednesday I finally had the push to open the laptop up and try to fix it. But the shock as I pulled out battery and powercord and tried to replug it - the laptop was dead! Dam! Next call was to Insurance and then bringing laptop to repairer to get a quote. The next day I go the quote and it was beyond repair. So I went shopping and bought an Asus with 8GB Ram, dedicated graphic and I7 processor. Lucky me that Dick Smith slashed the price $200 lower that day as well. Then the timeconsuming issue of setting up and installing all the programs I had. Thankfully my hard disk of the old laptp was still readable and working. That helped a lot.

Then on Saturday I went the Hurley Australian Open for Surfing which you can read up under my trips with pictures :-)

02/02/2015 - 08/02/2015 top

Sorry this update was a little late :) The week started wet again :-) Scale and weigh-in this morning was slightly disappointing but still going into the right direction. However I saw my doctor this week for the usual blood test and health report. The first positive things were my doctor was excited when we did the blood pressure. Finally after 4 years it dropped. Yeah it takes a while. Let's see what the other blood results bring.

Flatmate decided to stay and I organised us another 12-months lease without increase of rent. That helps. At work I finally fixed my gridview issue and to my blame it was a simply spelling mistake.

I decided to do some monthly trips in Sydney and create a tab in the open section. I had to remove the comment option for the time being. As you saw I put the Australian Open for Surfing onto the front page :) We did fix at work the SSL issues (e.g Firewall ports opening). However there was then an issue with our JavaScript menus. They failed completely. Sent a support email. We tried to force the url from http to https however how we did it was wrong. I reversed the changes so the website would work before I left for the weekend.

Saturday was very productive: did Laundry and cleaning as weather was not that great at first. Had breakfast on balcony and went to Manly to see the Australian Open for Surfing. Got my free ice cream sandwich and drinks. Walked a lot and meet some friends. I was so tired when I came home. Sunday was a lazy day and I did my 7th powerwalk in this week as well. I did organise myself a ticket with Canon as VIP photographer at the Australian Open for Surfing next Saturday morning. Cheers guys :)

26/01/2015 - 01/02/2015 top

Well the week started super wet. We got downpour of rain - one months’ worth of rain within 2 days. At to this misery the temperature fell as well. We had the 3 coldest summer days (under 20 degrees) for 67 years. We have fresh flooding and some big waves.

At home and at work everything settled this week. As my boss is involved with the Kiwiwaka Festival I had some extra work this week with flyers and website to do. Upgraded my website with some features as well. Buttons in blog and in lifestyle plus a comment box in my blog. Let's see how this goes. With the main business website the read of one gridview selection with a button still causes me issues as the code Microsoft suggest gives an error in execution.

As the weather gets better the waves get bigger as well. The last nights were really cold. It felt like winter. We tried to renew our lease as well however the landlord wanted to increase the rent. I declined this and said then just stay on without a lease. The real-estate will get back to me about it. Went this week to a hearing test. I have a slight hearing loss in the higher tones but nothing to take immediate actions yet. I was shocked when I heard how much a hearing aid would go for: anything between $4,000-$11,000 and not even waterproof! Good new is it is common with getting older :)

I am excited to see Taken 3 at the movies tonight. The movie was pretty good and action packed. Saturday I did some house work had a walk and chat with my flatmate to sort out the future which was settled then. On Sunday I went to visit the KiwiWaka Festival and meet afterwards all the neighbours from the old place. It was a really nice morning and afternoon. Unfortunately the comment section seems not to work yet. I will investigate this on Monday.

19/01/2015 - 25/01/2015 top

This week had some challenge in it. First the business moved all their website to a different webhost provider. That had some challenges and frustration as I had less power and options left. That we discovered when the websites were twice down. Played around with using a button in a gridview. Still some teething problems. It was heavy raining at the beginning of the week and next day I was too tired which mean I skipped twice my powerwalks. On the other hand I did lot of general walking this week. I measure my way to work: from home to bus stop and from bus stop to work and it was only 1km.

Went a second time swimming in the ocean. However the big problem was that there was so much sea weed you could simply not swim out. Your legs were immediately tangled with sea weed plus there was a strong north-south current as well which pushed you into the rocks. The rock pool was the next best choice then. Unfortunately there were too many people but I managed to do 6 labs (25 meters).

On Saturday evening I went to the city but was shocked how much it has changed since the lookout laws were introduced. It is not the same anymore. As you can see the majority suffers because a minority couldn't behave themselves when they were drunk!

12/01/2015 - 18/01/2015 top

First week of work in 2015 had started. Yeah. Went walking very early at 6.45am and it was raining. Work was cruising, struggled at first remembering what I did do before that holidays. Should have made a list! After a checking emails, checking our websites and reading my notes I remembered all issues we had before Xmas. Spent about 2 hours on phone, sorting issues out and got started on a new function for the project.

On Tuesday my flatmate got a cheap pizza deal from Dominos. The $4.95 well it was worth that but not more :) I had 2 low carb beers, garlic bread and some chicken wings. Definitely not what I should have done but I thought I can risk one step outside the healthy food category. Wednesday was hot and sunny that is why I left work early afternoon and went for my first swim in a while. Yes I had to pause often but I managed to do 10 strokes with my left shoulder. It felt awesome afterwards. Will do it again.

Work was going alright, finished the function this week and tested another document. On Friday my muscles felt so tired so I gave the training a 2 day rest. Finally I used my opal card for the whole week. Saturday was such a hot day so I stayed mostly inside and did some household chores. Sunday was good day with some fun :) Did my laundry incl. bed, went shopping, did house cleaning, got a new gas cylinder from the Service Station and grilled my first chicken in a while.

05/01/2015 - 11/01/2015 top

The week started good: found all my notes etc for the Rent Account Project and did a powerwalk and 2 sets of weight lifting.

As the week did progress I continued with my exercises. On Tuesday night me and my flatmate went for dinner and I had Chicken Portuguese which was yummy. I had only one glass of Merlot but that was enough to upset my gout. I decided to stop alcohol for a while till my weight goes down again significantly.

Wednesday I was busy with appointments. Slept in due to the night before and went for walk before going to the Dentist to do the 3rd of 4th sessions to fix my tooth who was breaking apart last year. Afterwards I saw my chiropractor and then went to the bank to sort stuff out for Mum, the shared Rent Account and my account.

Another event this week was that my internet provider stuffed the internet up. Some pages were working, others didn't. Gradually after 15 hours of agony web pages started working again. The weekend was more or less rain, specific Sunday. It was dark and deluge rain. Time for reading and watching episodes.

29/12/2014 - 04/12/2015 top

First week of the year or should I say last week of the last year! Recovered from my nasty cold the week looked brighter again. I continued to do my web site and found some interesting problem. On the networking page I wrote how to protect your networking and used a few times the word hacking and the firewall on my webhosting company made some sort of censorship. That was so funny. The picture gallery is up and the news and future project section is done. Harmonised the website and updated my contact info. I hope you like it. Feedback is welcome.

At the movies I saw the latest Hobbit instalment. I know now why I go less to the movies. A student cinema ticket for a 3D movie is now $20! No wonder everyone is downloading :-) I started my daily walks again which were giving only little problems in my feet. I did the full 4km again. I am so proud! Meet someone nice as well (psst).

I even started my weightlifting too. Did so far 2 easy simple session to not push my muscles to hard and get all the muscle soreness you would otherwise get. So far the plan worked>

New Year's Eve Celebration were nice. For the nine o'clock ones I went to Dee Why Beach. There were short but beautiful this year. The funny thing after the fireworks the beach was very quick empty again. I went home and watched the fireworks through the web streaming of Telstra.

I did another powerwalks, cleaned up my papers in the room, started my 2nd webpage and cleaned out all my email accounts.

22/12/2014 - 28/12/2014 top

Last Friday (19/12) I got a nasty cold. I finally felt better on Monday but it worsened again on Tuesday. However on Boxing Day it was mostly gone however there was still the cough. The last 3 nights I woke up at 4am with a massive cough. Today (Friday) I feel much better again.

The weather over the Xmas days was all over the place. Heard on the news that we had the wettest Xmas Day since 1942! Since then the clouds have disappeared and the sun has come back.

Xmas Day I cooked a nice salmon with chips and veggies. As the weather was bad and I felt ill too I did watch a few movies. Whenever I felt better I started with some tasks I wanted to do over my Xmas holidays.

One thing you see now - as you read this - was the re-design of my website. I used Aptana Studio 3.0 with HTML5, CSS3.0 and some JavaScript to develop the site. Unfortunately on Boxing Day my website ip couldn't be accessed anymore from my computer network. However it was accessible with my iPhone on 4G. As Aptana gives you a nice test background I continued to develop the site. On Saturday the whole issue was fixed as the firewall blocked me due to many attempts! As soon the website is finish with a descent design (including the use on a smartphone) I will develop my 2nd website for our rent stuff (RentAccount).)

As soon I am 100% again I have to do my last 13 TAFE Assignments.

Cheers Rene