Securing your personal Data

I cannot stress out how important this is. Most people do not have backups or strong enough passwords! Yes it is good when you have at least 1 number, 1 character and 1 symbol. Unfortunately that does not make it safe. As longer the password the better it is. You can check any password help or cracker and it is a guarantee that a 15 digit password beats any complicated 8-digit password!

For password storage - yes you can do it on a paper but not stored on your computer or near your computer! - however I suggest something electronically. A very well recommended program is called KeePass Password Safe. Not only can you safely stored your passwords it even overs you a password generator and gives you tips about the password strength. Unfortunately most people use the same passwords over and over on multiple websites. DON'T!

Backups are the same issue. First have a least 3 backups of your computer: a granddad, a dad and a son. Backup at least once a week and overwrite the oldest backup first and do Full Backup at least once a month! It costs you less money, less time and less stress to do it this way.

Next myth is if you have an antivirus you are protected! Sorry guys but that is so blindsided. The antivirus can only pick it up when it is already on your harddisk! You need a proper Firewall again and Windows alone is not good enough. But even if you have both you need more. Run regularly Spybot Search and Destroy and a peerblocker might be handy as well. That might be enough for the normal user. However you can go beyond this with simple tricks.

I do not say what I wrote covers you 100% nor I say I told you everything you need to know! It is still your job to do research to protect yourself and your computer from Hackers! I don't accept any responsibilities or liabilities!